
PRB: Messages are put in the Deadletter\Unpacking folder with an error

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This article applies to:

  • Trustwave MailMarshal (SEG)
  • Trustwave ECM/MailMarshal Exchange


  • Messages are put in the Deadletter\Unpacking folder with an error.
  • Error: "Unpack recursion limit exceeded."


MailMarshal unpacks messages recursively to a default of 20 levels deep. If a message exceeds the limit, it is put in the deadletter folder.


In most cases, messages that are more than 20 levels deep are not valid e-mails. MailMarshal has a default recursion limit to block such unwanted mail. For example, the recursion limit will prevent some message loops by blocking the looping e-mail when it reaches 20 levels deep.

You can change the default limit from the SEG, ECM, or MailMarshal Configurator (MailMarshal (SEG) 10 Management Console).  See Array Properties | Engine Properties | Advanced (in older versions, Server and Array Properties | Advanced | Additional Options | General)

This article was previously published as:
Marshal KB255

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