Using the Proxy Cache Tool

This article applies to:

  • WebMarshal 6.5 and above


  • What can I do with the WebMarshal Proxy Cache Tool?


The Proxy Cache Tool is an advanced command line interface that allows you to review the cache statistics and contents in detail.

The tool also allows you to remove selected items from the cache, and rebuild the cache index.

This tool should not be required in normal operation. The cache is self-maintaining.

Basic cache statistics are available on the Real-Time Dashboard in the WebMarshal Console.

To use the Cache Tool:

  1. Log on to the WebMarshal server (if you use an array, a processing node server).
  2. Open a command prompt and navigate to the WebMarshal install location.
  3. Run WMProxyCacheTool.exe with options as below.

    • NOTE: With WebMarshal 6.10 and above on a 32 bit server, use WMProxyCacheTool32.exe

The Cache Tool supports the following commands:

  -l [ --list ]         lists cached items or domains
  -v [ --verify ]       performs a hash verification of cached item data
  -r [ --remove ]       removes items or domains from the cache
  --reindex             recreates the index of items in the cache
  -a [ --all ]          matches everything in the cache
  -d [ --domain ] arg   matches all items in a specific domain
  -u [ --url ] arg      matches a specific URL
  --regex-domain arg    matches domains against a regular expression (slow)
  --regex-url arg       matches URLs against a regular expression (slow)

Note: Cache entries are case sensitive for the file path (not the domain).

List Options:
  -i [ --info-level ] arg (=0) list information level
                               0 = URL only
                               1 = basic information
                               2 = detailed information
                               3 = detailed information with response data
  --path                prints out the cache path and exits
  --version             prints the program version and exits
  -? [ --help ]         prints out usage options and exits


> wmproxycachetool -l

  • Lists all domains in the cache

> wmproxycachetool -l -d

  • Lists all files in the domain

> wmproxycachetool -v -u

  • Verifies the stored data for the URL

> wmproxycachetool -r -a

  • Removes all items and domains from the cache

Last Modified 9/9/2009.