
INFO: How to handle FTP URL with a password containing special characters ?

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This article applies to:

  • SWG 9.x
  • SWG 10.x


It is very common to use special characters in FTP passwords. These characters may cause browser conflicts when used for inline URL access.


For example, the password for FTP account USER on some_ftp_server.com is P@$$WORD - so the URL for browser access is:


Special characters (@, $) in this URL have to be hex encoded to operate without any conflicts. And the hex conversion will look as following:


where %40 is the hex value (0x40) of '@' character and %24 is the hex value (0x24) of '$' character.

For complete list of special characters conversion codes refer to the following resource: http://www.ascii.cl/htmlcodes.htm


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